Wednesday, March 31, 2010

spring's sound and breeze fill my senses

i have no reason to wonder any more if it will be difficult to finish this grad school thing strong. it most definitely will. it's already over 60 degrees here in minneapolis and climbing. i have my opened my back upstairs window and my back door to let the sounds and warmth in, and the heat is officially turned off (i know, i know, we've had it on still since our house seems to stay way too cold and there's a pregnant lady living here...). 

i have a month and a half of school left. and then, well, i ever so thankfully get to immediately begin a job! a full-time job as a family therapist! it's wild and is still sinking in, since i've only known for sure of this news since monday afternoon. but i'm so so so thankful for the job, and not just a job, but a job i really want, one that will teach me lots that i am eager to learn and one that i hear has decent pay and one that will get me the clinical hours i need over the next two years to get my clinical license. and i'm staying put, it means. and i can quit my group home job (wrote the official resignation email just this morning. ah relief!)! and i think it means much more... but i won't know the details until next week when the HR lady contacts me.  oh yeah, i guess i should clarify that it's a job at the place i'm interning currently.  so i'll be continuing on with the two families i'm working with as an intern and i'll be ending my work with my 6 outpatient clients. that ending part is going to suck. i really like these young men and women... i'll be moving to a desk across the hall and working with two really great women whom have already taught me so much in the family therapy realm of things and how to creatively do what our funding folks ask of us. it's going to be challenging (and i'm thankful for that, too). and i'll be working in people's homes. i know that is the type of therapy many people despise, but i happen to be a fan, at least so far. it feels normal to be hanging out with people in their homes, as a guest, thanks to my years in nepal doing lots of that. but it definitely brings a different dynamic when i'm coming in to help these incredibly struggling teens/young adults and their families as a therapist.  let the journey commence! [actually i feel torn: i both wish i was starting my job today (instead of waiting until may 17th) and i wish i had a few weeks break from school before starting, but i'll happily take what i've been given.]

so yay, celebrate with me! it really is amazing in this market to be able to so quickly find work. and i'm so glad to NOT have to hunt with the rest of those who will ever-so-quickly be competing for the few clinical positions out there. 

all of you in colorado and indiana and elsewhere, you can come visit me, i suppose i'm not moving back any time too soon.

(ps. i love lent. and i love holy week. i'm thankful for this week, and for what it means. perhaps i'll post on that in a couple days before it's all said and done.)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Congrats on the job, hang in there with the school are so close!!
