Monday, May 10, 2010

this morning

i responded to a blog i read religiously this morning as i found this and especially this post to bring me to tears. the wide net of change and growth, and taking that shaky step into the next phase of life, has captured me. and it's nice to feel some comraderie with someone else who is at a very different, yet similar, place. so i thought i'd just share what i wrote to her... 

your posts made me cry this morning. i was a few days behind. and while i’m not a mommy watching her boys growing up and launching a beautiful project with the backing of many who believe in her, i am someone who is in the midst of new beginnings. it’s that scary-excited feeling that sometimes can feel lonely and sometimes can feel joyous and full. i’m finishing up grad school, avoiding my last paper just to prolong what’s become comfortable. and i’m starting a new fulltime job in one week, a new position at a place i’ve been a while, but somehow it’s scary nonetheless. and i’m taking that next step beyond this one passing closer to the many dreams i have. dreams that don’t necessarily bring lots of people near to join me on the journey.
as always, thanks for sharing and uniting us in universal happenings and struggles and quotidian delights.

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